Computer Assisted Education and Information Technology Centre in Warsaw (Ośrodek Edukacji Informatycznej i Zastosowań Komputerów w Warszawie, OEIiZK) is a public institution for in-service teacher education managed by the Mazovian Province Local Government. We started our activities in 1991. Our goal is to improve and support teachers in the field of computer assisted education and educational applications of information technology.

Our pedagogical team consists of twenty five highly qualified teachers-consultants for whom informatics and information technology at school are the field of professional activity. The teachers – consultants have created Polish versions of the programs: Logomocja (Polish version of Imagine Logo), Algo-Pascal for Windows, Modellus 2.5 PL, Coach 6, Dataloging Insight.

We develop and implement new: methods of teaching, programs of improvement and additional schooling, teaching equipment, methodology publications, informatic and ICT tools for learning and teaching.

One of our main activity is to conduct trainings. The participants of our tranings are: headmasters, methodology advisers, librarians, teachers of informatics, information technology and other subjects at various types of schools. We train approximately 5,000 learners each year.